
Association of Global South Studies (AGSS) Constitution
Formerly the Association of Third World Studies (ATWS)
(As amended on April 17, 2018)
The Constitution and By-Laws of the AGSS

Article I. (Name)

The name of the association shall be “Association of Global South Studies (AGSS), Incorporated (Formerly the ATWS).” AGSS (ATWS) is an independent, non-profit professional organization.

Article II. (Purpose)

The main purpose is to provide a structure for the organization of Global South Studies on an international basis.

Article III. (Objectives)

  1. Provide ongoing open forums to discuss and analyze Global South problems and developments from different perspectives or viewpoints, and thus improve understanding of the underlying forces having an impact on global development, and shaping the destiny of the Global South.
  2. Promote professional development through the encouragement of research, publication, and teaching in the area of Global South Studies.
  3. Facilitate professional and social communication by sponsoring activities which will bring together persons interested in Global South Studies.
  4. Promote the enhancement of the quality of life of Global South peoples through formal association with private and public institutions involved with development in the Global South.

Article IV. (Activities)

  1. Sponsor an annual meeting, lectures, seminars, symposia, and conferences that focus on Global South problems and developments.
  2. Publish a newsletter and selected paper and periodicals.
  3. Sponsor travel enrichment seminars which will provide opportunities to acquire firsthand knowledge of Global South peoples and problems.
  4. Encourage interested individuals to support institutions and organizations associated with development in the Global South.
  5. Recognize excellence in research, publication, and teaching by appropriate awards and prizes.

Article V. (Membership)

Membership in the Association shall be open to scholars, professionals, and students of any nationality who are interested in Global South Studies. Members whose dues are in arrears shall not have the right to vote or hold office in the Association until delinquent dues have been paid. Categories of membership and the dues will be determined by the Executive Council.

Article VI. (Officers)

Section 1.

The executive offices of the Association shall be a President, Vice President-President Elect, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and an Executive Director. All executive officers, with the exception of the Executive Director, shall be elected from a list of two candidates chosen by the Nominating Committee in each position. The election of the Vice President-President Elect shall be on an annual basis. The Secretary and the Treasurer shall be elected by the membership every three years. The Executive Director shall be appointed by the Executive Council for three years.

Section 2.

All nominees for said positions, with the exception of the Executive Director shall be screened by the Nominating Committee before their names are included on the official ballot. Said nominees must meet the following qualifications:

  1. Be active dues-paying members of the Association.
  2. Hold a permanent tenured position at a reputable educational or government institution or like position.
  3. Be willing to serve out their full terms.
  4. Demonstrate what is generally considered excellence in service to the Association, teaching, publications, community service, and humane or professional activities in or for the Global South.
  5. Have a consistent attendance record at the Annual Conference of the Association of Global South Studies (ATWS) and at executive council meetings if applicable.

Section 3.

The President shall serve a term of one year. A retired President is eligible for the office of Vice President-President Elect after the expiration of two years. The President shall be the executive head of the Association and shall be responsible for initiating and carrying out its policies and functions. In the event of absence, resignation, or death of a President, the duties of the office shall devolve successively upon the Vice President-President Elect, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and the elected members of the Executive Council in the order of their election. The President shall be the chairperson of the Executive Council and shall preside at all meetings of the Association.

Section 4.

The Vice President-President Elect shall serve a term of one year, and shall succeed to the office of President without election. The Vice President-President Elect shall organize and implement the program for the annual conference.

Section 5.

The Secretary shall serve a term of three years, and may be re-elected. The duties of the Secretary shall be to

  1. Handle correspondence related to the Association
  2. Serve as secretary of the Executive Council, and record the minutes at the annual meeting and all other meetings and send them to the membership within a reasonable time

Section 6.

The Treasurer shall serve a term of three years, and may be re-elected. The duties of the Treasurer shall be to

  1. Maintain the financial records and handle the correspondence related to the Association’s finances.
  2. Collect dues, record and disburse all funds, and present a financial report at the annual meeting.

Section 7.

The Executive Director shall serve a term of three years, and may be reappointed by the Executive Council. The duties of the Executive Director shall be to assist the elected officials in carrying out the policies and functions of the Association.

Section 8.

Nominations for the position of Executive Director can be made by any member of the Executive Council and be sent to the President of the Association at least two months before the Executive Council meeting.

Section 9.

Nominees for the position of Executive Director must meet the qualifications mentioned in Article VI, Section 2, of this Constitution.

Section 10. Vacancies in any office shall be filled by the Executive Council.

Article VII. (Committees)

Section 1.

One of the standing committees of the Association shall be a Nominating Committee composed of six members. The Nominating Committee shall prepare a list of executive officers, elected members of the Executive Council, and chairs of standing committees, as provided for in this constitution, for election by the membership.

Section 2.

The Executive Council shall create other standing committees and identify their specific functions.

Section 3.

The chair of each standing committee shall be elected by the membership for a term of three years, from a list of candidates prepared by the Nominating Committee for each chair position. Each committee chair will in turn select the remaining members of his or her committee. Each committee chair will send an annual report of the committee’s activities to the Executive Council.

Section 4.

The nominees for the committee chair must meet the qualifications mentioned in Article VI, Section 2, A, C, D and E of this Constitution.

Section 5.

The President may appoint ad hoc committees as deemed necessary for carrying out the functions of the Association.

Article VIII. Journal of Global South Studies (Formerly the Journal of Third World Studies)

Section 1.

The Journal of Global South Studies shall be the official journal of the Association.

Section 2.

The Editor and the Associate Editors of the Journal shall be appointed or reappointed by the Executive Council for a period of three years.

Section 3.

Nominations for the position of Editor and Associate Editors can be made by any member of the Executive Council and be sent to the President of the Association at least two months before the Executive Council meeting.

Section 4.

The Editor and the Associate Editors of the Journal shall be entitled to hold other elective positions of the Associations simultaneously.

Section 5.

Members of the Board of Editors shall be appointed for a period of three years and by the Executive Council on the recommendations of the Editor and the Associate Editors.

Section 6.

Nominees for the Editor and Associate Editors must meet the qualifications mentioned in Article VI, Section 2, Paragraphs A, C, D, and E of this Constitution.

Section 7.

Changes and modifications to editorial policy as well as change in editorial staff and the Board of Editors shall be carried out by the Editor and Associate Editors with the approval of the Executive Council.

Article IX. (Executive Council)

The Executive Council shall be composed of the officers, the past President ex-officio, and the Editor of the Journal of Global South Studies, the chairs of all standing committees and three members elected for terms of three years from a list of candidates prepared by the Nominating Committee for each position. Nominees for the Executive Council memberships must meet the qualifications mentioned in Article VI, Section 2, Paragraphs A, C, D, and E of this Constitution. The three elected members shall be eligible for re-election after the expiration of two years. The Executive Council shall meet at the call of the President, and nine members shall constitute a quorum. The duties of the Executive Council shall be to:

  1. Direct the activities of the Association.
  2. Establish the time and place of the annual meeting and such special meetings as may be called.
  3. Fill vacancies which may occur in any office between the annual meetings.
  4. Formulate and propose plans for the implementation of the purposes of the Association.

Article X. (Meetings)

Section 1.

The Association shall hold an annual meeting at a time and place to be determined by the Executive Council.

Section 2.

The Association shall hold a business meeting during the annual meeting. The Treasurer shall present a financial report to the membership. The Secretary shall take minutes and send them to the membership within a reasonable time.

Section 3.

Special meetings of the Association may be called in either of two ways:

  1. By the Executive Council
  2. By petition of twenty members, or twenty percent of the membership; whichever is smaller.

Calls for special meetings shall be issued by the Executive Council in writing at least thirty days in advance.

Article XI. (Amendments)

Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed in either of two ways:

  1. By the Executive Council
  2. By twenty members, or twenty percent of the membership; whichever is smaller.

Proposed amendments shall be circulated to the membership at least thirty days prior to the meetings at which they will be considered. Amendments shall go into effect upon ratification by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting at any official business meeting of the Association.


  1. Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the guide to the conduct of business meetings of the Association. The President may, if deemed necessary, appoint a Parliamentarian from the membership.
  2. Terms of office of officers, other elected officials, and committee members shall begin at the business meeting held during the Annual Meeting of the Association.
  3. The Executive Council shall have the authority to audit all accounts and require a bond of the Treasurer, costs of the bond to be borne by the Association.
  4. A quorum of the Association shall consist of twenty-five members or twenty-five percent of the membership; whichever is smaller.
  5. This constitution will take effect upon ratification by a majority affirmative vote of the members present at the business meeting held during the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the ATWS (now the AGSS) at the University of North Florida, October 12-14, 1995.
  6. These By-Laws may be amended by a vote of a majority of those present and voting at any business meeting of the Association.