Books for Review

Available Books 28 November 2024


Degani, The City Electric: Infrastructure and Ingenuity in Post Socialist Tanzania

Huang, Reconfiguring Capitalism: south Africa in the Chinese Century

Njoku, Queen Elizabeth II and the Africans: Narrating Decolonialization, Postwar Commonwealth, and Africa’s Development, 1947-2022

Park, Infrastructural Achievements: Austerity, Sovereignty, and Experience in Kenya

Rijke-Epstein, Children of the Soul: The Power of Built Form in Urban Madagascar


Amar, ed., Rio as Method: Collective Resistance for a New Generation

Armas & Andrade, eds., The Buenos Aires Reader: History, Culture, and Politics

Blanc, The Prestes Column: An Interior History of Modern Brazil

Binnie, The Sao Paulo Neo-Avante-Garde: Radical Art and Mass Print Media in cold War Brazil

Burrows, The Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administration

Cornejo, Visual Disobedience: Art and Decoloniality in Central America

Davidson, Dominican Crossroads: H.C.C. Astwood and the Moral Politics of Race-Making in the Age of Emancipation

Gautam et al, Financialization, Austerity, and Inclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean

Hertzman, After Palmares: Diaspora, Inheritance, and the Afterlives of Zumbi

Leite, Daughter, Mother, Grandmother, and Whore: The Story of a Woman Who Decided to Be a Puta [Brazil]

Marston, Subterranean Matters: Cooperative Mining and Resource Nationalism in Plurinational Bolivia

Middle East and North Africa

Fani, Afghans, Iranians & Literary Nationalism

Paulette, In the Land of Ninkasi: A History of Beer in Ancient Mesopotamia

Zayani & Khalil, The Digital Double Bind: Change and Stasis in the Middle East


Ayoob, From Regional Security to Global IR: An Intellectual Journey

McGarr, Spying in South Asia: Britian, The United States, and India’s Secret Cold War

If you know of a book published since 2023 about the Global South that is not on the list that you would like to review, please contact the book review editor.